Hyrum Smith

This is an 11x17 watercolor painting of Hyrum Smith done for my son's bedroom. My son, Hyrum, is named after Hyrum Smith and is actually Hyrum Smith's 7th Great-Grandson. My husband and I want all of our children to be named after someone, so I am planning on doing a painting for each of my children of their namesake.

Available as 11x17 Prints

For those of you who are not familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the Mormons, Hyrum Smith is Joseph Smith's brother. Joseph was the first prophet of God after the Great Apostasy, which occurred shortly after Christ was crucified. The Great Apostasy was a period of time when the Priesthood, or the power of God was not found on the Earth. This is one of the reasons why there are so many Christian religions, which were started by man, and not God himself.  In 1820, God appeared to Joseph Smith and commanded him to restore the church that Christ had originally set up on the earth when he ministered in person. And so that is the church that I belong to. Prophets continue to lead and guide this church just as in Bible times of old. 

So Hyrum Smith is Joseph Smith's brother and this is the simple story of this painting:

On December 27, 1832, the Prophet Joseph Smith received a commandment from the Lord that the Saints were to begin building a temple in Kirtland, Ohio. Later, in June 1833, the Lord gave Joseph Smith and a small group of men a vision in which they saw the temple that they were to build. Hyrum Smith was so excited that he ran to get a scythe, and then ran to the spot where the temple would be, a wheat field, and exclaimed: "We are preparing to build a house for the Lord, and I am determined to be the first at work."

His excitement, willingness and readiness to follow a commandment of the Lord, knowing that it was going to be no small task, is so inspiring to me and I am so grateful to be able to do this painting in his honor. 


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